
you are what you eat

About Faaizah

Welcome to Faaizah’s Nutrition Lab. I am a registered Dietician, Wife and Mother to 2 beautiful (and busy) little girls!

My Lab is my Kitchen, where I shop, stock and prepare some deliciously nutritious healthy meals and snacks. I am passionate about nutrition and healthy eating. Healthy meals can be tasty you ask? Why yes, I wouldn’t have it any other way! Healthy meals are so easy to prepare and I show you step by step how to go about making meals that are healthy and tasty for the whole family.

Healthy balanced meals are important for good health. Healthy, low fat cooking helps maintain good weight, is good for heart health and helps give the body all the vitamins and minerals it needs. Nutrient Dense foods give you energy; keep your brain active; make your muscles strong and healthy and keep bones and organs in tip top health! Eating healthy most days of the week helps lower your risk for many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and hypertension.

When I think healthy meals I envision colour and texture. Variety is always a must! I see spinach, cinnamon, dark chocolate, crunchy baby carrots, flavourful drinks, tri- colour sweet peppers, pastas, juicy strawberries, oranges and limes, beans, lentils, steamed cauliflower and broccoli…… the list goes on and on! My recipes are quick and easy, I like spice, taste and texture. My steamed vegetables are slightly crisp, Curries are on the ‘hot’ side and eggs runny and creamy!

You say your family will run for the hills if they see a vegetable on their plate? They are just not into  vegetables and brown looking grains, don’t worry! Choose a recipe or meal you think they will like, start with an iced tea (https://faaizahsnutritionlab.wordpress.com/2014/06/23/colourburst-lemon-iced-tea/) or this delicious low fat Butter chicken ( https://faaizahsnutritionlab.wordpress.com/2014/06/23/better-for-you-butter-chicken/ ) and if they like something modern and smart try the smoked trout and avo roll (https://faaizahsnutritionlab.wordpress.com/2014/05/13/smoked-trout-and-avo-roll/).

Prepare, serve and take their opinion. I promise, your efforts will not be in vain! Your comments and insights are important to me so please comment and share the recipes with friends and family! Serving up healthy meals and snacks is the first step to ensuring a healthy family, let me provide you with the tools, credible and reliable guidance and lots of expert advice to make your healthy family dream a reality! Lets get your family eating healthy meals most days of the week and try to achieve a balance with the foods you eat for health and those we eat for pleasure (cakes, pastries etc.), and remember- all things in moderation!


faaizah about

2 comments on “About Faaizah

  1. Nasira
    December 26, 2015

    Salaams Faaiza

    2 weeks ago I had my little girl via c section and I am breastfeeding as well. I was hoping if perhaps you could help me with a guideline of what foods I can eat for weight loss as well as what I can eat during breastfeeding. As well as healthy drinks or shakes.


    • faaizahsnutritionlab
      December 26, 2015

      Salaams Nasira. Thank you for the question. To sustain breastfeeding and to help you lose weight, I would suggest eating small frequent meals. Replace unhealthy snacks with fruit or vegetable sticks, always make sure you have a healthy nutritious breakfast, and a light nutrient dense supper.
      Your main meals should include some low GI unrefined carbohydrates (try whole wheat pasta/ cous-cous/ barley/ pearled wheat/ brown rice) some lean protein and about 1/2 a plate of vegetables. Eating this way is low fat, low GI but will also help you to make nutritious milk for baby.
      Unless you are struggling to produce enough milk I would not suggest a shake. Drink enough fluids (water/ low sugar drinks) and avoid too many teas or coffees during the day.
      Include foods which contain healthy fats for extra omegas. Avocados, nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and fatty fish will help your heart healthy but also provide those extra omegas for baby.
      Remember to foster a healthy relationship with food as you start on your journey. If you eat healthy 90% of the time, a treat or sweet dish is totally acceptable!
      I hope I have been able to answer your question!

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